The Sprite & The Fairyhunter
The Hunter
& The Hunted
The Sprite (Part 9)
They ducked into the next private room
and waited a few moments for the smoke to reach the main room, then Turlock bellowed,
"Fire! Everybody out!" Neena could hear a mad scrambling to exit the
building and headed up to the front just as the majority of the patrons
ran out the door. She could hear the sounds of swords clashing against each
other, then felt Adrian
running. He stopped, then pulled a rod out from the pack on his shoulder and
waved it at something she couldn’t see. The look on his face suddenly became
surprised and he turned away quickly “Alright, all of you, go! Come on, hurry!”
She looked up at his face, which had become bright red. He looked down at her
briefly and said, “Turlock
is making sure that the guys that work here aren’t making it out alive. I’m
just trying to figure out how to get the sprites out of Fairyland so they don’t
get caught up in the fire, but they don’t seem to realize they’re free of the
magic yet.”
“How’d you
do it?”
their…clothing was magicked…so…uh, they don’t have it on…anymore,” Adrian said
uncomfortably. “Really, you guys are free to go…!”
sighed. “Just pick me up,” she grumbled. “I’LL make ‘em go.”
Adrian reached into his
pocket and she crawled up onto his hand. He pulled her out and extended his
palm in to the huge box that was Fairyland. Now that she could see, she noticed
several sprites huddling in terror inside the mini-city. Without hesistation,
she bellowed, “GOOOOO!!!!”, then zoomed down to zap at them. Squeals of
indignance and pain erupted from the confines of the little town until every
winged person had zoomed out of the burning guild in a panic. “Okay, you can
look now.”
Adrian turned back around
and waved the wand over her with a grin. Her djinni outfit melted away, leaving
her completely nude. She gasped up at him as he laughed. “Had to get the evil
magic off ya, babe,” he smirked, his eyes not leaving her until she magicked
herself up her own clothing. With a mock sigh of disappointment, he kept her in
his hand and ran from room to room, opening cages and releasing winged folk all
throughout the building until no rooms were left. The building was on fire
properly now and as the two raced back to the main room, Turlock joined them, the heat from the flames
becoming apparent.
“I think
it’s time we cut our losses and run, lad,” said the breathless Highlander.
“There’s not another soul left in the place but us and a few bodies that ran
into me claymore.”
gotta tell ME twice,” Adrian
nodded. “Let’s make for the back door, just to be on the safe side.” The two
ran back toward the back of the main room through another set of special rooms.
Turlock shouldered open the door at the end of the hallway and they continued
out, but the moment Neena’s body crossed the threshold of the doorway, she felt
a gut wrenching pain in her ankle, enough to make her scream out. Adrian looked down at her
in a panic. “Mothwing?” he gasped, but she suddenly felt a yanking, as if someone
were pulling her by her leg in the direction of the center of the guild. She
was literally whisked from his hands and dragged by an invisible force back
into the blaze. In a panic, she tried to fly toward him, then used her amulet
to grow back and run toward him, but to no avail. When she skidded to a stop,
she was on the main stage in the center and couldn’t move her feet an inch,
almost as if they were nailed to the floor.
happening???” she cried out.
Adrian ran back into the
room, dodging the beams that were starting to fall around him. “What the hell
are you doing? We gotta get outta here!”
“I can’t
move!” She tried again and again to pull away from the center, only to snap
back with a mind bending pain in her ankle.
Turlock rushed in and
shouted at them both. “What are ya doing, lass? This is no time for games!”
“I can’t
move!” she repeated. “Something’s hurting my ankle!”
Almost at
the same moment, Turlock looked hard at her feet
while Adrian
reached in his pocket for a magic ocular and stared at her legs. Even she bent
down, feeling about for something on her, but only felt a strange sensation as
she went across the area with the pain. “What IS that?” Turlock demanded, suddenly running toward her
and feeling about her ankle in the same place.
“Oh, damn,”
Adrian said,
scrambling over to her and lifting her foot as much as the pain would allow.
“It’s a magic manacle. They use it on the girls they want on the main stage so they
can be out of Fairyland and not try to escape. It looks like a cuff on your
foot until it blends with your magic, then it goes incorporeal. We can’t touch
it, but I know there’s a thing around her somewhere that the magic is tethered
to. If we can find that…”
turned immediately to check the area around them and Adrian got up to do the same. In a sudden
panic, Neena grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to her. She was being
held prisoner and the thought of it was already starting to chill her blood. “Adrian, I can’t stay like
this,” she began.
“I know, hon, just stay calm and
we’ll find it.” He tried to leave again, but she held him tight.
“No, don’t leave me! Stay with me!”
she said, her eyes wild as the flames began to lick into the main room.
“Neena, I HAVE to find his for you!
If I don’t, we’ll BOTH be burned alive in here.” She started to protest wildly
again, clutching both his arms, but her held her to him tightly for a moment.
“It’s going to be okay, we’re gonna get you out, but you have to let me help
you, okay? Okay?” He rocked her gently for a moment, then pulled away and
looked her right in the eyes while still holding her hands. “I’m right here,
okay? I’m just gonna look around the stage area, okay?”
Smoke stinging her eyes, she nodded, clutching her
own knees for comfort as he pulled away. Her eyes followed him all around the
room as he dodged flames and chairs and any number of items trying to locate
the source of her tether. She closed her eyes to keep the smoke out, brought her
thumbs together to rub and tried to regain her focus. It had been ages since
she’d felt this kind of raw panic, but she remembered the moment vividly…
Her father held her up so she
could see as the fairy empress passed by with her entourage. She had never seen
anything like it. Even the guards had spidersilk jackets and beautiful elven
thinblades in their hands. Neena giggled, pointing at the ridiculously large
nose Empress Reina had and looked up at her father. “Why is that fairy’s nose
so big?”
The entire entourage came to a
halt as the empress screamed, “STOP!” She had stepped down from her tulip
carriage and stalked over to Neena and her father with a smile that made
Neena’s tummy hurt. Why was the fairy lady walking mad, but smiling at her.
“What did you say, child?”
Neena had been too worried to
answer, but her father said, “She’s just a child, empress. She meant no harm.”
“Then, as her father, you should
know better than to allow her to speak of her betters in such a way,” the
empress said, her smile growing wider. “Or do they teach no manners at all in
these backwoods?” Her father had no chance to answer before the empress had
taken the staff in her hand and thrust it toward him. A bright light left its
tip and surged into Neena’s father, causing him to let her go and fall to the
ground. “Let that be a lesson to you, child. Never speak in the presence of
royalty unless you have the proper respect to give.” And with that, she turned,
got back in her carriage and left, leaving Neena tugging at her father’s hand
trying to make him sit up. He had smiled up at her and taken both her hands
“It’s okay, little one. I have
to go right now, but I’ll be alright and so will you. I want you to go straight
to the elder and stay there, do you understand?”
Neena had nodded tearfully, then
zoomed away to get their elder’s help. By the time she had returned, more
sprites had come to help move the crystal statue that was once Neena’s father
Merim out of the way of the last of the fairy empress’s entourage…
Her focus and her very heart broken with the memory,
Neena opened her now streaming eyes and couldn’t see past the smoke and flames
anymore. “Adrian!” she yelled out, getting only the painful heat and smoke into
her lungs…
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