(LB)WNY is ON THE AIR!!! Box Clues
& Park Maps
At long last, the boxes are HERE!
Chadams has been nice enough to put all the boxes that are already in the park
into groups (see his entire page on Chestnut Ridge Park maps and such) to make it
easier for out of towners to find boxes without having to sort through all the
clues (after all, you might not realize that the stone from one clue is the
same one in another!). So, here’s a list everything that was already in
the park (not including mystery boxes). It’s not complete yet, but we’ll be
slowly adding the rest. The music themed boxes will NOT show up here until the 23rd,
as promised.
Note: Unless
otherwise stated, all these boxes are permanent placements, so don’t worry if
you can’t get them all in one weekend…you’ve got the rest of your life (or
until the muggles find them, whichever comes first!)
Current Boxes
These boxes were
already placed in the park prior to the gathering:
Grouping 1
1. The Ice Bowl 2007—Park in the main parking lot. Head in to the Casino. Grab a hot
chocolate and head in to the "lower bowl area". Maybe you want to
warm yourself by the fire. From here head diagonally back in a dark corner. You
need to look up into the "y" to find what you seek!
2. Let It Snow!—(possibly missing)The toboggan runs should be
visible. Facing these structures, walk to the one on the far left. Where the
track meets the ground, reach underneath behind a piece of asphalt.
3. Lake Effect—Head past the toboggan runs.. Find the two large mounds of rocks
near the entrance. Find the one on the side of the road that the hills are on.
Check in the rocks, about chest/stomach level (for the average-sized adult).
Hide as well (although better is preferred) since it is kind of easy to see if
you're looking for it...
4. A Harmony of Trees—To find this box you must go to the bathrooms that are right at the
main entrance of the park across the bridge from where you are. Lots of people
park here when the gates are closed to walk into the closed section of the
park. Head right along the treeline behind the bathrooms (down hill). You will
shortly see a little path going down to this ledge next to this dumping area.
From the ledge, look behind you to see a tree with exposed roots. The box is in
Jail behind some rocks. Please replace the rocks carefully to prevent the box
from being found by random people.
Grouping 2
1. Geeks Rule The World—Find the Goal of #18 on the disc golf course. In the
area of the goal (you will have to look carefully) You will see a tree and a
stump in love I wonder if anything could ever come between them? This box is on
the same side of the street as the goal. Just to inform all who find this box
Geeks do in fact rule the world!!!
2. Boy Scouts Learn Some Neat Stuff—Find the area literally between
the holes numbered ten and sixteen on the disc golf course. You will find some
lean-to's made by boy scouts. They have been there for two years now. As the
time passes they look like even better shelters. Unfortunately one was just
knocked down, probably by some kids up to no good. To find the box, look around
the area where the lean-tos are for a decent size tree that has an opening in
it. Above the opening you will see J W 79. Inside the opening you will find the
box! Be warned there will be a ton of disc golfers out so you will need to be
careful and sneaky :-) Although the same disc golfers could probably help you
find the tee for Hole Ten very easily. They are both friend and foe to
3. Sponge Baths For Stories—To find Sponge Baths for Stories you first need to
do some research to find out which Simpsons character this is about... Head to
the goal of #15 you need to stand with your back to the goal not the tee. Then
whip out your handy dandy compass, 316 degrees, see the tree. Now cross the
second bridge and look for the tree you spied at 316... This tree you are
looking for is across the creek from the goal of #15 on a hill. There are two
prizes in this tree. The box and another FF gift that travels...Good luck and
have fun. You may have to really look to find both.
4. I Love Disc Golf—In between holes 12, 13, and 15 on the disc golf course, find the
square cement pad. Whip out your super handy dandy compass and set it to
approximately 345 degrees.
Grouping 3
1. Cop Shop Bunker—This Box is planted near The Erie County Sheriff Station located at
To get to this box you need to go to the bathroom behind shelter 8. To get to
shelter 8 you must drive down the main road on the East side. Just past the
gate in front of the sheriffs station is the shelter. Once you find the
bathroom go around to the Male entrance. From there set your compass to
approximately 240 degrees. Head roughly in that direction. As you approach the
ravine be on the look out for some trees with writing on them. When you find
one that says "Dad and Ma" stand with your back to that writing. Look
to approximately 200 degrees for a tree with an opening in the bottom. The tree
is about 15 feet from the cliff. In the opening you will find the box!
2. A Series About Beer (Labatt Blue)—To find this spot head down the
main park road until you come to Shelter 8. It is very easy to find. It is
about a hundred feet from the gate where the turn off to the sheriff
headquarters is (yes, once again with the smarts…drunk people hanging out and
drinking right next to the cops!). Once at the shelter, head in back of it and
walk towards the slide. Once there, head towards the edge of the ravine. It
would be straight ahead if you had your back to the steps of the slide's
ladder. Head towards the u-shaped cut out in the ravine’s edge. Once there,
head right until you see a five foot tall stump about ten paces from the edge.
In the roots at the base of the stump you will find your prize!
3. PPPpleeeaasse!!!! (A Morbid Beggar)—To find this box head to the open
area/baseball diamond area on the left side of the road just past shelter 8.
Head to the back right corner of the grassy area and look for a bunch of vines.
In the woods behind them look for remnants of an old grill stand on the old
stone and face the field area. Look right. There is a tree that is spreading
its feet for you. Look between the feet behind a piece of log to find the
morbid beggar. Please replace the log as you found it!
4. Let’s Go
5-9. Creatures of A Fantastical Place Series—This is my first series!! (Lady
I have worked VERY hard on these stamps. A LOT of time and effort went into
them and I believe they are my best work yet. I highly recommend that you find
them as I have named them my Planter's Choice stamps. They are very special to
me so PLEASE take care of them as you would your own boxes. This series
contains five stamps, one of which is a BONUS stamp!! THIS IS NOT A
sea serpent). I decided to add a bit more fun to the series by including this
stamp. It can be used to accentuate the stamps The Mermaiden and The Sea
Serpent. I have planted this series in a very special place. Chadams and I came
across it while hiking one day. It is a ravine that is unlike any other; very
clear cut and unique. I do not recommend children come along on this hike
because the water may be tricky. As of right now there is hardly any water in
the ravine because of the dry spell we have had all summer, but when it is running
it is gorgeous. Please use caution on this hike. There is a dump nearby and
some debris has fallen into the creek. It is not hazardous to passers-by.
Despite the sights of this section, I still think this place has a magical
sense to it. There was a bird singing its song as chadams and I were leaving
today and it gave the area an enchanted touch. I don't know what type of bird
it was but it sounded amazing, like nothing I have ever heard before. Maybe if
you are lucky you can hear it, too!! I hope you can!! Thank you for your care.
Happy Hunting and ENJOY!!! Lady Lilac
"The Sprite"—To find this box you need to go to
"The Mermaiden"—Go down the easy slope into the
creek. Follow the creek upstream until you come to the second bend. Look left
at a small incline. There are two close trees with lots of roots. Under some
rocks in the right tree's roots you will find The Mermaiden.
"The Sea Serpent" and BONUS "Bubbles"—Continue upstream until you come to a spot in the
creek where there is a "shelf" of rock about two feet high. Look
right and head up into the woods. Go to the fallen pine tree. On the back side
near the tip of the tree is a rotting stump. Next to the stump under a few
pieces of log you will find The Sea Serpent and Bubbles.
"Asking the Ancient One"—Continue upstream until you reach
a series of two "steps". Right before the second step and to your
right is a mass tangle of vines. In between the vines and the tree you will
find “Asking the Ancient One”. Head back
to the main park road now continuing deeper in….
10. Writing On A Tree—Continue on until you cross the bridge and up a little hill. Turn
down the first possible left after the bridge. Follow this side road and
shortly you will come on a shelter on your right hand side. Across the road
from the shelter you will find a faint trail. There are actually two faint
trails. You are to head down the first one you passed as you came to the
shelter. On this path you will pass a few trees that have writing on them,
notes from times past. The trail will fade to the left. You will see a LARGE Y
shaped tree with more writing. The next tree with writing past that will be one
that JK + EB inscribed their love. While standing in front of this tree, look
to your right (between 1 and 2 o'clock). Go to the tree with the largest trunk.
At its base under a rock is my writing on a tree for my baby!
Grouping 4 (Cool
Places of Das Ridge)
is a series about some of the neat places you may or may not have been to at
I did not click the kid friendly icon solely because there will be some tough hiking and a few dangerous places. You could take kids there but you would really have to watch them and they probably would not be able to actually grab most boxes. It is an amazing place that I would love to take my kids (if I had some) to, but not all parents may feel the same way I do. The series starts off going into a deep ravine where you will probably be getting muddy and or a tad wet most of the year. The degree to which you get wet or muddy will depend on how nimble you are on your feet. When I planted these the only thing that was muddy was the bottom of my boots. I didn’t get wet but some people will. It is a ravine filled with shale stone, which can be very slick so appropriate footwear is a must. Also this gentle stream flowing through can really become a lot more when the snow melts or there is a heavy rain. So use common sense before heading in. Once you arrive at the park head to the east side (the side with the sledding hill) then continue driving on the main road past the cop shop. In the off season, the gate in front of the sheriff station will be locked. That doesn't mean you can't go; it just means you have about a mile walk. Or you could bring a bike with a lock and chain and ride to the start and then chain up the bike. Either way, continue along the main road as it winds its way through the park until you see shelter number 12. It is across from a playground. There is a parking lot/ area in front of the shelter without actually being at the shelter, so don't be worried if the shelter is occupied. Please rehide ALL the boxes better than you found them! All right, let the adventure begin!
1. 100 Steps—Head to the north behind shelter 12. You will see a path worn into
the ground. You will be approaching the entrance to the Hundred Steps. You
won't be able to mistake the entrance made by depression era stone work
characteristic (I stink at spelling) of most area parks (Letchworth, Emery,
Allegheny). Head down the steps. Want to guess how many there are? ..... I am
waiting.... what’s that? ....a hundred you say? Nope, not quite. There WERE a
hundred when they were built back in the day, but thanks to our good friend
erosion there is only around 95 give or take a few. There are very cool places
with benches along the way down (or more so up) if you get tired. Once you are
at the bottom, you are in the ravine! It's a whole other world down there. You
can find all sorts of crawfish and salamanders and such, but I KNOW you are
here to find some letterboxes! Ok, ok, I will keep going. So make your way down
stream. I wanted to plant the box a bit closer to the steps but with the steep
walls and the threat of raging waters I chose to plant it in a slightly
different spot. Keep moving through the ravine until it opens up a bit. The
walls won't be so crowded in on the stream. You will know you are in the right
spot when you see a small tributary about a yard wide coming down and joining
the brook from the left hand side. Once there stand at the center of the mouth
of the tributary facing it so that your back is to the stream. Look at about
120 degrees and notice a tree that if you were to cut it off at about five feet
would look like a sitting dog. You do not want this tree but the one to the
right, before it. It has a rotted sort of stump behind it. In a hole in the
bottom of the larger tree is a Hundred Steps.
2. Tributary—Walking a little further down the ravine notice at one point while
the ravine is bending to the right look to your left to see two tributaries
come together to form one in a y shape it is rather beautiful! now since I know
you stopped right in the middle of this and stared at it in awe, turn around
180 degrees. Look at 60 degrees. You will see a stump that may or may not be
standing upright next time you come back and beyond that is a tree. It is about
three body lengths up the side up the hill and probably to challenging for any
young ones to get. In the roots of that tree behind some rock you will find the
3. Stephen King Drain & Pennywise (see pic at left)—Continue down stream towards the
sound of falling water. It is not that far. Again as you approach keep the lil'
ones close as it would be a very bad place for them to fall. You will see the
Drain out of some Stephen King story. It really reminded me of the book or
movie IT. For those more adventurous types I have planted an extreme letterbox
down there entitled "Pennywise” after its villain (This box may be too
difficult for some. It is listed as
extreme because it involces some climbing.
It is much harder when there is water in the ravines. So please use
caution. To find Pennywise you must
first figure out where the "Stephen King Drain" is. Then you must
face your fears and go down into the drain in search of Pennywise. don't worry
about sinking because " We all float down here!" once you are out
into the light look to your right for this grouping of trees up the side of the
hill. In their roots behind some rocks Pennywise is waiting for you!). Just a
lil’ heads up. The area here is a hangout for teenagers. So rehide the box well
as it has already been muggled once due to poor rehiding. But to find what you
came for you have to face your fears and look to the right of where you are, or
directly in front of you as you were approaching the area where the drain is.
Notice the wall about thigh high. Now look up to the Really Amazing tree with
the huge root structure up the hill a little ways. Notice right at the base of
the tree before the roots is an almost bowl like area, almost a seat if you
will. To the left of this "seat" are some roots. In the roots behind
a rock is the box.
4. What the F...oundation—Now instead of heading back upstream the way you
came, head up the other branch of the creek. Not that far though. Just a short
way up the creek you will see a concrete structure. It is/was a foundation for
something at some point. The first time I saw it I said "what the F...
-oundation!" or something like that. Cause what is it doing there? An odd
place to build something? Ok maybe it was some sort of pump house, but then why
would it be shaped like that? I just don't get it. I still have no idea. If you
have any thoughts or ideas please feel free to share. Across the creek and
directly across from the foundation is a tree about ten feet up the side of the
hill from the stream. The box is found in the tree's roots behind a rock. It
can be tricky to grab so be careful! Please replace the rock carefully.
5. Another Hill in the
6. A Ghost of Park’s Past—Head back to the top of the hill where you left the
trail and head right (if you are standing with your back to the mound) and
follow the trail marked with the pale yellow blazes. Continue along until you
see a Ghost of Park's Past. A relic of yesteryear. Something to remind you how
neat this park must have been at one time (or, in other words how run down
parts of it are now). When standing at it, look off to the right for a downed
tree. In a hole on that tree behind a piece of the "ghost" you will
find what you seek.
7. Bathrooms You May NOT Want to Use—Continue on and shortly you will
be on an old road. Keep following the blazes until you come to Bathrooms You
May NOT Want to Use. Head behind them near the men’s entrance. Go to the
nearest blazed tree and then break out that compass. Look to the tree at 130
degrees and search the roots.
8. The Hippie Life—Anywho, once you happen upon an old, closed, dilapidated bathroom
you are almost there. Head along the back side by the Men’s room side. Head
IS NOT A FENCE AND IT IS VERY STEEP. It is a beautiful ravine. Follow the path
to the right to the broken tree that is lying down into the ravine. It is directly
across from the "100 Steps", another famous landmark of the park. My
Cool places of das Ridge starts over there. At the base of the tree where it is
all cracked open, under some leaves is a box dealing with the hippie way of
9. The Fire Tower—When you are ready to move on head onto the trail the blazes lead
you down. Follow it until you break out into a clearing. Once there Head
towards the women's entrance to a different bathroom you should have no problem
using. You will be lookin at the Fire Tower. A practice place for area fire
fighters. From the bathroom look towards 170 degrees to the corner of a fence.
Head there. Then look and see a fence a little into the woods. Near where the
two fences join you will see a sign saying "NO TRESPASSING NO
SWIMMING" in front of this sign is a tree and at this tree's roots you
will find The Fire Tower.
10. The
To return to
your car head to the little bridge at 270 degrees and then walk up into the
field. Once you get to the field head straight at 330 degrees until you get to
your car
Grouping 5
1. Rain Sucks!—To find this box you need to park in the parking lot off of
2. Let’s Go
3. Born From Ashes—To find our phoenix, cross the metal bridge that goes over the
river. After a short distance there will be a picnic table on the right hand
side of the road and a trail directly across from it (the left side of the
road). Follow this trial, keeping the river on your left, until you come to a
large tree trunk that at a time would have blocked your path. Walk 5 steps
further on the trail and look for a tree with a teepee shaped hole on your
right a short distance off the trail. This great bird lies within.
Grouping 6
1. Butterfly—Park Go to Shelter 25 and look for the strange tree.
2. 1st Birthday—This stamp is in honor of my son Brennan's 1st
Birthday on June 10th. Go to Shelter 28. Walk down path and look for the
knocked over candle. Please make sure to replace the "flame" exactly
as you found it!
3. Honey Bunny—Go to Shelter 27A and walk down the path that is off to the right.
Walk past the odd clearing and look for a three trunked tree to the right. Walk
to the rock garden. Honey Bunnies will be in between a rock and a tree.
4. Plant A Letterbox Day 2007—Continue on the trail until it intersects with
another trail. Not too far after that you will see a tree with a very large
bottom on your left hand side. Check there!
Grouping 7 (Walk
the Path of Misery)
Box is a three part series. The final box is My Entry from the "King of
Horror" postal ring. As this ring was about the Stephen King Novel/Movie
Misery the FINAL stamp may be questionable for really young kids as it deals
with violence. The stamp doesn't show anything that couldn't be shown in a
PG-13 movie. That being said I would really not recommend bringing your kids
along on the journey for this one. You will be required to climb a VERY steep
gas line. By gas line I am referring to the wide open gas line that cuts
through the forest, not a literal PIPE. This steepness is the reason I have
listed the box as extreme. I will pull no punches here and say that the gas
line portion is a very difficult hike and will be very strenuous. The approach
to the gas line is pretty mild terrain. Also the listed distance is the
distance when the gates to the west side of the park are open. If they are not,
there will be another 4+ miles added to the total distance.
This series can be found on the West side of
the park. Whether you are driving or walking, you need to head to the most
SOUTH and west "corner" of the park loop road. It would be much
easier (and HIGHLY recommended) to refer to a map of
parked, get out and head south along a little trail to the creek. You can
follow this path along the creek but it can get confusing so the clues will be
written from my preferred way to reach the correct location. Follow the creek
upstream. It is a very pretty walk going up the creek but can be slippery as it
is a shale creek bed. So please use caution. A secondary branch does come in
from the left hand side but stay with the main branch. Continue along until you
reach the gas line. Once you are at the base of the gas line look up to your
right (west). You need to climb to the top of this gas line to the White and
Orange Pole. Once at this pole stand with your back to the pole facing back
down the hill. At approximately 120 degrees there will be a rather large three
trunked tree. From the pole your view of this tree will be partly blocked by
another tree. Go to the tree. Once there stand with your back to the tree once
again facing down hill. Set your compass to 160 degrees and walk roughly 25
paces. At the base of a tree with a "hole" in it you will find Another Hill in the
To find Are You Sweating Yet? and Misery You will need to walk the Path
of Misery and follow the clues left in the first two boxes. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE
Grouping 8
1. Names Above Flames—To get this box you need to enter the park at the
2. Friends of the Simpsons (Pork Chop)—Head back to the main trail. Follow the blue blazed trail until you come
the first tree that directly crosses the trail, (the fallen tree is on the
plateau area with some pine trees.) You need to look in the end to find Pork
3. Joey—Right after “Pork Chop” the path will split. The fork may be hard to
spot. Take the right fork. You will then be on an orange blazed trail. Before
long you will come to a giant tree that has fallen over the trail (I have heard
the tree is cut in half now). If you were Joey you could hop right over it! But
since you aren't you should follow the faint trail to the right that goes
around the tree. When you get to the "top" of the fallen tree, look
right. Hiding in a hole in a two trunked tree you will find Joey. It will be
behind a strategically placed log.
4. Friends of the Simpsons (Dag Whippersnappers)—Continue on the trail until you
see the first horse blaze on a tree. Look right, there will be a four trunk
tree that holds “Dag Whippersnappers”.
5. My Special Place—When you come to a four way intersection follow the orange blazes
that lead you to the right and down hill. Before too long you will come to a
bridge. This area is my special place. I LOVE it here. It is my favorite part
of the park. It is very remote in comparison to the rest of the park. I find it
very romantic, which is why I think I love it so much. It would be a neat place
to have a wedding ceremony. Depending on how much rain we have had there should
be two streams meeting at this place. To actually get the box, you need to
continue on the trail uphill for a sec. Stop when you walk just past a three
trunk tree almost in the middle of the trail. Then look off to your left.
Search all around this area for the box. This may be tricky, but I bet when you
get to a point where you are BEYOND stumped you will find the boxes hiding
6. Friends of the Simpsons (Thank You, Come Again)—Head back to the intersection and
this time stay on the main trail, the blue blazed one. Pass a well written tree
the trail now starts to turn to the right and heads down hill. Once the trail
heads steeply down hill, Be on the look out for “Thank You Come Again”. On the
left about 15 feet from the beginning of the steep down hill decent there lies
a two trunk twin, this twin holds “Thank You, Come Again...”
7. Accident on Runway 9 (see pic on left)—Go to the bottom of the hill and
turn right. Continue on until you reach where you will cross the water. This is
a great place in the park to sit and just stair at the little water falls and
the way the water moves over the shale. Right before you get to cross the water
look for this tree, tucked back a little bit near the trail....I am hiding very
8. Cry of the
9. The with in this stump lies “The
Phoenix Crest”...
10. Eternal Flame—Follow the trail to the water and head upstream to the waterfall,
where you'll see the flame. When you're done, head back downstream. Just before
the flame goes out of sight around a bend is a large tree with gnarled roots on
the south bank. Under a U-shaped curve of root is a rock or two hiding another
Grouping 9
The following boxes are grouped together because there are no other boxes in the near vicinity. They each are in areas without another box close by.
1. Drained—This letterbox was planted in memory of our attempt to find Chadams'
'Walk of Misery' letterbox series at Chestnut Ridge. It took us two late nights
in the dark and one very early Saturday morning to realize we were in the wrong
location, not the fault of Chadams. This box is located where we were
incorrectly searching for the series, although it is very nearby if you are
There are two ways to find this letterbox. One is to find the gas pipeline
closest to the eternal flame on the west side of the park and climb to the top
to the blue and orange pipeline and pick up the rest of the clue from here.
The second, less strenuous way, to spare those letterboxers who might make the
same mistake we did, find the
Starting from the blue and orange pole, face downhill and look 50 degrees
towards a large two trunked tree. Walk about 35-40 paces towards this tree
looking for a path on your right. Walk into the woods about 20 paces until you
see a pile of dead logs to your left. At about 120 degrees there is a large
tree wrapped with vines across a shallow ravine.
Originally our clue stated to search the trunk of this tree for that which you
seek. However, letterboxers two days after we planted 'Drained' found the box
had been attacked by an animal and our stamp had been bitten around the edges.
We are beginning to feel cursed with our first letterbox plant, but we've tried
again and that which you seek is now located within a limb of this same tree
just above head level under some sticks and leaves.
2. Down On A Knee, Next To A Tree—Just pass shelter 38 as you head
deeper into the park, you will see stone walls on either side of the road. Just
past the walls you will see a little pull off area next to a creek. Park here
on the left side of the road and head to the trail that starts on that side of
the road.
Follow the trail up on the right side,
Keep your eyes open wide,
until you see a tree,
where you should drop to one knee.
3. Niagara Region Disc Golf Series-Chestnut Ridge—This is the fourth (although
second planted) in a series of 6 boxes dealing with disc golf in the
This box is located at the course at
Grouping 10
The following boxes are grouped together because they are boxes that
require you to figure out some sort of challenge or puzzle to find the location of
the box.
1. There Was A Church Where??? (see pic at left)—To find this box you must first
find this monument in the picture
<http://www.atlasquest.com/images/gallery/01/99/16199lg.jpg>. Once
there, head into the woods behind it and go a little to the right. Under a rock
and some leaves at the end of a dead fallen tree you will find the prize!
Please rehide box careully. Please check to make sure box is not visible at any
direction in a 360º circle!
2. The Auryn—))!!))!)))!!)!!!)!)))))!))!))))))!)!))!!)!!)!))))!!)!))!)!!)!!!))!!))!!!)!!)!!)))!!))!)!)!!!))!!))!))))))!!)!!!))!!)!!!!)!!!))!))!!!)!)))!!)!)))))!)))))))!!)))!))!!)!)!
3. The Dragon’s Lair—If you are brave enough, your
challenge is to find the Dragon that has been terrorizing The Ridge of
Chestnut. You must find the Dragons Lair and Slay him by stamping him into your
Logbook. The trouble is that people aren't sure exactly where to look. Word has
it that iIt lies hidden in a forgotten plane. A Brave knight tried and failed
to slay the dragon. He had some notes scribbled on a scrap of paper he handed
off to a peasant as he died from his wounds. The peasant turned in the note to
the guard. Now This note is in your possession. If you are up to it try and
track down the dragon. Slay him and remove the veil of fear that has engulfed
the Ridge!
Here is what was scribbled on the note:
22 24 1 1936
forgotten open plane,
inside the mouth
of a small wooden "cave"
you will find the place
where the dragon doth lay!
4. Raccoon Crossing—During our first visit to
When done make the sure the zip-lock bags area sealed well as this box probably won't keep the elements out on it's own, and as always re-hide in the same spot as well or better than found.
Music Boxes
The following boxes were all created specifically for this gathering, but are permanent plants in this park. To begin, find Shelter 21 on the map and park in the lot near it, then follow the clues as listed:
Life Lessons
From the Jukebox Series (22 Boxes)
All these songs of the 70’s
possess a hidden wisdom that the Highlander and I discovered on the 25 hour
trip from
#41 Daydream Believer—“Nothing means much to a daydream believer
and a homecoming queen (doesn’t mean much to any of us, either, though)”—From
the road, enter the clearing in the woods on your left, just across from the
Riding Trail. Near the ravine’s edge, there’s a tree with a split at the
bottom. Go around to the back of this tree and reach into the hole up TOP about
head height. You’ll need to move a stick to find
#42 Gypsies, Tramps &
Thieves—“Gypsies, tramps and thieves have feelings, too.!”—Follow
the path along the ravine to your right (if you’re facing the ravine) and take
the “high road. On the right, you’ll come to what the Highlander described as a
BFT, but in mixed company would just be called a “big honkin’ tree” ;-). It’s
obviously a boy tree, too, although he seems to be missing a part…! Anyway, dig
around in his roots to find this box!
#43 Spiders and Snakes—“Arachnids and reptiles are NOT
the way to a girl’s heart.”—Veer left now and stay by the
ravine. The path is a little fainter here, but you should still be able to make
it out. On the right of the path, you’ll see a few fallen trees. One has two
trunks, once of which is broken with a piece of log laying across it. Look
under the log between the two trunks to find this box.
#44 Loves Me Like A Rock—“If more presidents had mommas
like Paul Simon, we’d have a LOT less problems in this country!” : Continue on the path until you
see the paths meet up again. They’ll be a nice place on your left where two
logs offer you a spot to rest. Do so and reach in between where they meet and
under the log closest to the trail for this one.
#45 Hitchin’ A Ride—“Hitchhiking made easy…a thumb
goes up, a car goes by.” : Follow the ravine up the trail
(left as you sit on the logs). This will take you through an open area and up
to the top of a hill. At the top, take a look at the twin trunked hollow tree
on the left (just before the trail does a little split and merge again). Move
some bark at the bottom to uncover a hole with this box.
#46 Don’t Stop Thinking About
Tomorrow—“When memory fails you, don’t stop thinking
about tomorrow.”: Continue along the path until you come to
a 5 trunked tree on the left that looks like, as the Highlander put it
“nature’s toilet”. It’s VERY close to the edge, so be careful reaching into the
“seat” of this toilet for this one.
#47 Play That Funky Music—“African
Americans have not cornered the market on funky music.”:
Continue on the path past a clearing and uphill until you get to a more wooded
clearing on the left with an old fire pit. There’s a giant maple in this
clearing with a crack in its back…move some bark for this box.
#48 Werewolves of London—“London
has werewolves, too.”: Continue down the path until you see the
road ahead. Some large rocks and a fence keep you from going on this road, but
focus on the pair of rocks nearest the fence. Putting your back to the ravine,
reach in between the rocks and dig a little until the right one to find the
#49 Highway to Hell—There
really IS a highway to hell (Any expressway will do!): Backtrack
on the path about 30 steps beyond the rock farthest from the fence and you’ll
come to a fork in the path that veers left instead of going back the way you
came. Take this fork until you come to a very artistically shaped beech in the
woods on the right with 4 trunks and on separate one. Dig in between these
trunks to find a plastic baggie with this stamp (check closely…it’s VERY well
#50 Momma Told Me Not To
Come—“If your momma told you not to come, you
probably shoulda stayed home instead of hanging out at the party whining.”: The
trail winds down into the woods past some garbage on the left until it crosses
over a grassy path wide enough for a truck to come down. Turn right on this
path and head toward what looks like a wall of foliage blocking your path, but
is really just a HUGE bush on the side. There’s an area right in the middle of
that bush on the path that’s a little wider than the rest. From here, look into
the woods to the left and you’ll see a moss and fungi covered stump that looks
like Three Dog Night dreamed it up after that party! J Head toward it and look in the roots on the back
side away from the trail.
#51 You Don’t Mess Around
With Jim—“Seriously…DON’T mess around with Jim!”: Get
back on the path and keep heading in the same direction (left as you come out
of the woods). Walk along this path until you can see the fence ahead. Close to
the fence on the right is a big stump with fallen logs. Go behind the closest
log lying parallel to the stump and look in the right end of it for the last
stamp of this part. It has a logbook to stamp into as well.
At this point,
you could walk straight to the road, then turn right and keep walking until you
got back to Shelter 21, or you could continue this series by turning right on the
path just on the other side of the fence (not the road) and following the clues
below for the last 11 boxes in the series. The next logbook will be at the end
of this next set:
#52 Booty—“Booty…it just works on so many levels…(need I say more?)!”—Take
the path just on the other side of the fence to the right and follow it until
it bends around the tree with the yellow blaze. From here, go to the twin
trunked tree on the right (about 12 steps from the tree with the blaze…not the
one with the dead one dead trunk). Look in the crook of the trunks for a little
#53 Dark Lady—“A queen, a three and a two eyed jack means your husband is sleeping
with your fortune teller (and your fortune teller is stupid enough to TELL
you!)”—Follow the path down into the creekbed and up the other side. As you
come up, look on the left side of the creek for a large stump. Move some bark
and a flat rock to find this one.
#54 Cracklin’ Rosie—“Why DOES Rosie crackle (haven’t learned a THING from this lesson,
but seriously…WHY?)?.”—Continue on the path until you
find a place where a fallen tree has just about taken out the whole section of
fence. The roots of this tree are WAY up and make an L. Look in the crook of
that L (which is cracked) for this stamp.
#55 Hot Rod Lincoln—“Excessive speed in a Lincoln will
cause your father to drink.” : Continue until this path dead ends into another. Right on the
right corner near the gap in the ground, you’ll see that Gordon Loves Sue. Look
in the roots of that tree for this box
#56 Kiss and Say Goodbye
& Me and Mrs. Jones—“She’s not “your obligation”,
she’s your WIFE, so don’t kiss when you say goodbye and stop meeting at the
café already!” : Follow the path away from the
road to the right until you get to a fallen tree across the road. Back track
from the tree about 20 steps to where Pete Loves Dee (on the right when facing
the downed tree on the path). In the woods, you can see an orange and white
flag. Look in the roots of the tree just before it for the stamp.
#57 Smiling Faces &
Backstabbers—“Smiling faces are sometimes backstabbers.”: Continue
along the path back toward the fallen tree. Just as you go over the tree,
there’s a faint path leading off to the left that will lead you back past a
fallen tree on the path and all the way back to the path near where you began
the first half of the series (41-52). Remember how we said take the “high road”
then? Now go back and take the “low road” into the ravine (back track on this
path until you see it show up on your right). You’ll know you’re in the right
spot when you see several long trees lying across the ravine, one of which has roots at the bottom of the
path you’re on. Move some rocks and check in the roots for this stamp. While
you’re bent down, look up at the beautiful ravine view to the right!
#58 Say Has Anybody Seen My
Sweet Gypsy Rose—“Now that Mary Jo’s doing naughty dancing
under the name Gypsy Rose, you probably don’t WANT the trollop coming back
home!”: Follow the ravine to the left now past all the fallen trees you first
saw until you get near a bend where another fallen tree lays almost flat like a
bridge across the creek. On the other side is a VERY old rusty pump with some
ancient steps. Cross over and look at the tree in front of where these steps
end. Look in the roots of the one closest to the fallen tree and move some
rocks for this stamp.
#59 The Garden—“If we
could all just get back to Yasgur’s farm, we’d be able to set our souls free.”: Stay
on this side of the creek and follow the path around the bend until the path
goes between two sisters. On the right, you’ll see a little shale waterfall
near a steep path up the hillside. In between the path and the waterfall
is a rooty tree with initials on it. Check
these roots by moving some rocks to find the stamp.
#60 You’re So Vain—“Despite
what you think, this song is NOT about you!”: Follow the path around to
the bridge. As you approach, you’ll find a crumbled section of stone wall on
your right. Look under the far end of the biggest piece farthest from you under
a piece of wood for this stamp.
#61 Heaven On The 7th
Floor—“Heaven can be found on the 7th floor, if
one overlooks the fact that they’re trapped in an elevator with a total
stranger!”: Now go under the bridge and cross the creek to where
you can see the fence. Go to the lone post of this fence close to the creek’s
edge and look at the very base on the creek side where some wires wrap around
to hold a cap on. This stamp is wedged up between all this stuff!
#62 That’s The Way I Like It—“That
IS the way I like it!”: Now start up the side of the hill to get back on the
bridge. Before you go too far, see the downed trees and logs on the right
around a tree that’s still standing. In the middle of this (where the end one
of the logs is closest to the tree), a stick stands straight up. Look under
that log between the stick and tree to find the last stamp of this series (this
DOES have a container and the logbook for #52-62).
To go back to
where you started: From here, you can cross over the
metal bridge, where you should start to see Shelter 21 again on the right.
To go to
(LB)WNY is ON THE AIR!!! Donation Series: Erm…just don’t…too complicated to
explain from this spot! J
Alright, if you MUST do it this way, head down the road away from
the metal bridge until you get to the end of the Riding Trail. You can tell
where it is because it’ll have a marker post that matches the one at the
beginning (which was near the metal bridge where you begin the Decades Series.
It’ll also be across from a paved path on the left. Follow that path until you
see Shelter 40 around the bend and start there. Just so you KNOW, though, you
passed a TON of boxes! :-P
To go to Celtic
Quinn’s Genres Series: Head down the road away from the metal bridge until you get to
Shelter 24, then follow the clues listed for the series.
To go to
Decades of Music Series: Just
before he metal bridge, start looking look to the left for the start of a well
marked path (should have a post telling you where the path goes). Follow the
clues listed for the series.
Decades of Music
(11 Boxes)
Start this series by putting
Shelter 21 to your back and crossing the roads to the woods in front of you.
Turn left on the road to cross over the metal bridge and a well marked path
begins heading uphill on the right. You should see the number “1” in a neon
yellow diamond all along this path if you’re going the right way. Note: all
these boxes are in Ziploc baggies with NO logbook until the final one, which
will be in a pill bottle with a logbook.
1900s—Start up the trail and keep going
until you pass two trees on the left with carved graffiti all over them (one
with a prominent 57). On the right will be a tree with the number 1 in a neon
diamond. Check the roots of this tree for a stamp that represents the early
years of music.
1910s—Follow the trail until you reach
a T that takes you either back to the road on the left or down the “Riding
Trail” on the right. Head to the right until you see some fallen trees close to
each other on both sides of the path (the one on the left is a little further
than the one on the right). Follow the right one to its end and look under some
branches and fallen leaves.
1920s—Head further down the path across
the creekbed and up the other side. As you’re coming up on that opposite side,
you’ll pass between two trees. Look on the right at the woodpeckered one with
all the fungus…check around its base for the Roaring Twenties.
1930s—Follow the path some more. You’ll
go quite a ways into the woods over some small bridges and through a lighter
open area with smaller trees and grass (seasonal, of course!). The ground
starts to slope down near a tree with a neon “1” and the letters “LB” on it.
Look to the left for a fallen pine whose base still has about 3 feet of trunk
on it. Look up inside the fallen part for the 1930s.
1940s—Keep on the path over a little
bridge. Just past that bridge is a small hummock (mound) on the left. On the
right side of the path is a tree with two neon “1”s on it. At the base under a
rock is the 1940s.
1950s—The path continues until you
start to see chain link fencing on the right, but it starts to go downhill
right where the fencing starts to curve away from the path. Pressed against the
fence in that gradual curve is a large tree. The 1950s is wedged in the space
between the fence and the tree, hidden with plenty of leaf cover.
1960s—Follow the path again downhill a
bit, then back up (do NOT take the path that cuts across, just stay straight on
the path with the “1”s). On the right as you go up is a badly peeling paper
birch tree with a number “1” and a metal sign with a blue arrow. On the left is
a tree whose roots you can see. Climb up a little and look behind it in the
roots for the 1960s.
1970s—Just before the gate, look for
the tuning fork tree in the woods on the right. Look under the bark and a “Keep
Right” sign for the 1970s.
1980s—Cross the road to the paved path
on the other side. Ahead on the left is a fallen log and a bunch of branches
near a tree with a split in it. Look under the log near the tree (not in the
split) for the 1980s.
1990s—Further up this path on the left, you’ll
see a fallen tree with roots and dirt lifted up. Go toward the roots on the
left side of this tree. About 15 steps in, look on the ground for a VERY short
stump w/jagged bark sticking up (you’ll have to step over a thinner fallen tree
to get to it). Move the bark on this short stump to find the 1990s.
2000s—Return to the path. Just around
the bend in the road, go into the woods on the left into a tiny clearing. On
your left are some old branches and fallen logs. Look between the logs for the
To go back to
where you started: From here, you can backtrack to
the road, make a right and head up the road. Once you cross the metal bridge,
you should start to see Shelter 21 again on the right.
To go to Life
Lessons From the Jukebox Series: Backtrack to the main road, make
a right and head back toward Shelter 21. When you see the Riding Trail on the
right (the same one you started on for Decades,
look to the left, then start following the clues listed for the series
To go to Celtic
Quinn’s Genres Series: Backtrack to the road, make a right and head up the road. Start at Shelter
24 and follow the clues listed for the series
To go to
(LB)WNY is ON THE AIR!!! Donation Series: Continue up the path past Shelter 40 and follow the
clues listed for the series
THE AIR!!! Donation Series (4 Boxes)
This series begins at the end of the Decades of Music series. If you want to go directly to this one first, start by going to Shelter 40 and following the road uphill.
Walk the Line by Mama Fox—As the hill goes up, look in the
woods to the right (don’t go past the graffiti tree!). About 26 steps in, you
should see a large fallen tree lying next to a big one. Look between where
these two meet and wedged mostly under the fallen one is The Man In Black.
1812 Overture by dglvrs—Go to the top of the road and cross to the other side. There’s a
tree on that side with a hole straight through it near the bottom, as if the
cannons in the overture blew it open! Check down low and in the back for this
IRS Records by Mowizliz—Return to the same bench and take
your same spot again. This time look BEHIND you. There’s two sisters behind
you. In between them is a box with a wonderful history (and stamp) of IRS
To go back to
where you started: From here, you can backtrack up
the road, then cut in to the right buy Shelter 40, walk back up that path to
the main road, then make a right and head up the road. Once you cross the metal
bridge, you should start to see Shelter 21 again on the right.
To go to Life
Lessons From the Jukebox Series: Backtrack up the road, then cut
in to the right buy Shelter 40, walk back up that path to the main road, then
make a right and head up the road toward Shelter 21. When you see the Riding
Trail on the right (the same one you started on for Decades, look to the left, then start following the clues listed
for the series
To go to Celtic
Quinn’s Genres Series: Backtrack up the road, then cut in to the right buy Shelter 40,
walk back up that path to the main road, then make a right and head up the
road. Start at Shelter 24 and follow the
clues listed for the series.
To go to
Decades of Music Series: Backtrack up the road, then cut in to the right buy Shelter 40.
Walk back up that path to the main road, then make a right and head up the road
toward Shelter 21. Just before he metal bridge, start looking look to the left
for the start of a well marked path (should have a post telling you where the
path goes). Follow the clues listed for the series.
Genres Series
(12 Boxes)
This series was planted by Celtic Quinn and begins on the road at Shelter 24. Not a big fan of walking??? All the stamps are basically drive bys, as they are all along this road and never more than about 20 steps into the foliage. All boxes are in small plastic containers with one logbook at the very end of the series.
TV Movies—Across the road from the swings
at Shelter 24, look in the bark of a pine tree with one trunk cut off.
Folk—Continue downhill along the road
(left if you have Shelter 24 at your back). Just before the creek, climb the
small hill you see on the right. Go to the first BIG tree on the right (a
beech) and look in the roots behind it.
Metal—Head back to the road and cross
the creek now. Go to the other side of the road to an area between two old
picnic benches. From the far corner of the bench furthest from you, take about
18 steps into the woods past the stone ruins and fallen crisscrossed trees to
the graffiti decorated beech tree. Look in its roots for the box
Techno—Return to the road and head
uphill. Look for a stump on the right with a fallen log. Look under the log
near the end for the stamp.
Jazz—Go a little further up the road
for a stump on the LEFT now The stamp is in the center of this one down inside.
A Cappella—Continue uphill on the road to
where Mike & Lisa hooked up back in 1974 on a beech tree. Check the roots
of the tree to find this stamp.
Rock—Follow the road to where you see a
brick pillar on the side of the exit from another shelter on the hill on your
right. A tree is right next to this pillar hiding the stamp at its base under a
piece of blacktop.
Rap—Return to the road and head
around the corner. A stump on the right will be there across from one of the
small old shelters. Peel the bark back to find this stamp.
Classical—Continue around the road to where
the bathroom is (just before the road merges with another one). On the left
side of the street across from the bathroom, another stump holds a stamp behind
it under some rocks.
Pop—Continue on your road until you
get to Shelter 22. Look on the right side of the road and in the woods, you can
see one of the old shelters hidden there. Head to it and look in the rafters
near the pillar closest to Shelter 22 for this box.
Reggae—Follow the until you get to the
start of the Riding Trail on the left, where a picnic bench awaits you (an
orange arrow marks this as well). Sit on the bench facing the path and look to
the right. You’ll see sisters close to you, one of whom has a split near the
bottom. Reach down between them and move some wood for this stamp.
Disco—Now look up between the two
sisters and you should see another tree coming open at the bottom. Go over to
it and reach up inside it. This box has the logbook that marks the end of this
series. You’ll have to twist the box to get it to stay in place when you
replace it.
To go back to
where you started: From here, you can finish going
up the road. Cross the metal bridge and you should start to see Shelter 21
again on the right.
To go to Life
Lessons From the Jukebox Series: Go across the road from where
you’re sitting right now, then start following the clues listed for the series
To go to
(LB)WNY is ON THE AIR!!! Donation Series: Again, not the best choice from where you’re
standing, since you’ll pass a TON of things on the way, but if you MUST do it,
head down the road away from the metal bridge until you get to the END of the
Riding Trail. You can tell where it is because it’ll have a marker post that
matches the one at the beginning (which was near the metal bridge where you
begin the Decades Series). It’ll also be across from a paved path on the left.
Follow that path until you see Shelter 40 around the bend and start there.
To go to
Decades of Music Series: Head back toward the bridge. Just before it, start looking look to
the left for the start of a well marked path (should have a post telling you
where the path goes). Follow the clues listed for the series (incidentally, the
Riding Path is part of this series).
A Man of
Many Musical Moods by Chadams (10 boxes)
This is
a series about some of my favorite bands. I like a wide variety of music, so
you will see a lot of range represented. Most stamps are of the bands logos.
The one exception is the Beatles box. That is my stamp from the Beatles postal
ring of the Blue Meanies from the movie Yellow Submarine.
This series is a little more difficult
than average. The terrain is not too bad, as walking in the woods goes, but
there will be points where the trail can be confusing. As long as you trust the
clues you should be fine. It is also a a pretty decent length hike. Not sure
exactly, but I bet around 2 miles or so. It also goes through some of the most
remote and least traveled areas of the whole park. Now on with the clues!
On the
west side of the park drive cross the metal bridge and head into the large
section of park. At the "y" with the bathrooms head left. Just pass shelter
38 as you head deeper into the park, you will see stone walls on either side of
the road. Just past the walls you will see a little pull off area with a picnic
table next to a creek. Park here on the left side of the road and head to the
trail that starts on the same side of the road as the pull off.
Then continue down stream following the
trail. You will have no problem seeing where the trail leaves the stream.
Continue following the Orange blazes past the area where you first incountered
an intersection on your journey and down to the creek again. Cross the creek
and head back to your car! I hope you enjoy!!!!
Other Boxes
These boxes will be around the pavilion or with their respective
“Sprite” – no, a LETTERBOX, not me J, courtesy of orion
"We Go Together" - a letterbook courtesy of dglvrs
"Brian and the Boys" - a letterbook courtesy of dglvrs
"12 of 500" - a letterbook courtesy of dglvrs
"Who's the King" - a regular box courtesy of dglvrs
"Million Dollar Quartet" - a happy birthday box courtesy
of dglvrs
“Rosa Parks Keeps Her Seat” – a traveling event stamp courtesy of
“Red Zinger” - a traveling event stamp courtesy of Missmoon
“The Diva Gads About” - a traveling event stamp courtesy of Missmoon
“A Really Big Hello From Really Big Gotham” - a traveling event
stamp courtesy of Missmoon
“Marty’s Foot” – a traveling event stamp courtesy of chadams
“Camp Granada Hitchhiker Hostel” – a traveling hitchhiker hostel
courtesy of 3CatFam
“What’s In Your Picnic Basket?” - a traveling event stamp courtesy
of Happy Daze
“LBNE Traveling Event Stamp” - a traveling event stamp courtesy of
Mumma & Bunny Boy
“Canadian Country” – a traveling event stamp courtesy of Lone R
“The Four Seasons Traveling
Event Stamp Series” - a traveling event stamp courtesy of The Sprite & the
And the “WNY Blue Ribbon Event Stamp” – earned for doing specific
things, courtesy of The Sprite & the Highlander
Park Maps
To be included in your clue booklet! For now, check Chadams page
of maps here: