The Sprite

Part 7

Neena stared up at the wall near cushion she rested on, searching out the many imperfections in it as she threw a rubber ball at it, catching it on the rebound. It had been two days since her dramatic encounter and she was still at a loss to explain what had really happened. Turlock and his wife Naomi had been nice enough to watch the children themselves when she’d come home that night, still magically shaken up so badly she could barely fly. Naomi had realigned her magic for her, causing half of the pain to stop immediately and rest to ease away with the day’s rest. Turlock had let her rest without questioning her that night or today, allowing her to rest without getting the usual lecture on safety. She knew an inquest was coming, though. He’d watched and waited, not asking questions, noting the fact that she hadn’t been human sized in quite a while but not saying anything to her. He was biding his time and she knew that time was coming. Not only that, he had this fatherly way of asking questions and knowing the answers before you even said anything.

Unfortunately, she still had questions for herself that she couldn’t answer. How was she going to get her amulet back? What was Turlock going to say when she explained what happened? WAS she going to explain what happened? What HAD happened? Was she really carrying a torch for a fairy hunter? Did he really think she was sexy? What the HELL kind of name was ADRIAN???

It occurred to her that sitting here bouncing a ball against the wall wasn't helping her answer any of these questions.

And besides that, she thought, fluttering up determinedly, I've been sitting around here for a day now and he's spent a ton of time out there setting traps! I got a LOTTA time to make up for!

With that in mind, she fluttered to the hiding place under the bed where se kept her gear, slung her pack over her shoulder, then slipped out of the room. She paused in the hall near the front room where Turlock sat polishing huge claymore, then landed and walked to the giant front door so as not to attract attention. She crept under the crack in the cabin door and closed her eyes with a relieved smile. She knew where he'd set up, so it was just a matter of doing what she always did. No guessing what he thought of her, no trying to figure out any complicated relationship information or anything, just disarming traps. She headed toward where his camp had last been, only slowing down when she got within 500 paces of it, knowing a good hunter would establish a good perimeter of traps around himself, but not close enough to scare off sprites from coming near enough for capture.

After checking about and finding 5 set traps lying about, not far from his camp, Neena was beginning to wonder about him. Adrian was still here, obviously; she recognized the insignia on the traps. Apparently, the other hunters were gone or just not using any of their traps (she congratulated herself for screwing them over so royally).

For someone reputed to be the best, however, she noticed he didn’t seem to be putting the effort into his traps that even the lowliest of hunters did, allowing for easy trip ups and escapes for the Fae caught in them. She knew she was good at disarming, but even on of the little wild sprites that never paid much attention to learning how traps and humans worked would have been able to find her way out of the last few traps she'd sprung. This, like the wall her ball had been rebounding off of earlier, had parts that didn't fit into the smooth exterior. Was he really that bad or was he purposely messing up? He had to be good, she knew, or Turlock wouldn't had bothered mentioning him to her. But if he was, then why was he doing it? Was it FOR her or just BECAUSE of her? She didn’t want to think about the possible reasons why just yet. The idea that a man who had made his way in the world by capturing magical folk like herself hardly made him date material.

Besides, she reminded herself, I'm not supposed to give a crap about him right now. I'm working. Of course, he DOES have my amulet and I need that…maybe I should check on him to see what he's up to.

Before she could think about it any further, she headed inward from the traps toward the camp. She didn't really want to admit it, but she knew she was actually a bit excited at the idea of even catching a glimpse of him…

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